Saturday, September 25, 2010

Lucky, Lucky Kids

It's HOMECOMING weekend here in Bailey, CO.  A very, very big deal in this small town. 
 First, the boys got to ride the Junior's float in the parade.  The Homecoming dance is themed Mardi Gras so they threw beads, candy, masks and coins.

Joss collected the loot.  When I say loot, I mean INSANE AMOUNTS of it! 
The softball float girls begged to have Joss ride along but she wanted to collect the goodies on the street. 
Then, we went to the Homecoming Football game.  We creamed 'em 47 to 14!  And if you look closely, little Jossie is on the track cheerleading with the real Platte Canyon cheerleaders!

Ra, ra, ra!  They taught Joss a couple cheers and by the end of the game, she had them down!
Many more pix to come but I have to run...time to head back to school to chaparone the Homecoming Dance. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Terrific Jake and Tye

2 weeks ago, Tye got a lettet home from the principal.  Today, we got one from the principal for Jake!!
We could NOT be more proud!!!
Good News From School!
"Jake got the Pink Key today for being accepting.  He played with another boy at recess who didn't have any friends.  Awesome kid!"

"Tye recieved the Pink Key today for being scholarly.  He was listening to his teacher.  Awesome job!"
We had a great birthday weekend for Nick.  We had a little get-together at our house Saturday night.  Then, we hit Oktoberfest in Breck on Sunday with the kids!  What a blast!!  The weather has been in the 80s again so the kids got to play in the river downtown while the adults enjoyed the relaxation time, not to mention the beer, dancing and yodeling.  We stayed in Breck last night and dropped the kids off to school on the way home this morning...then, we headed to our favorite restaurant in the Capital District in Denver: Le Central.  AND, we were greeted with a big surprise, our lunch was paid for (longdistance) from my mom.  Thanks a million!  It was an incredible day, I think Nick would agree.  Tomorrow, Tuesday means back to the grind.  This is homecoming week so lots of excitement at the high school.  Plus, Jake, Tye and Joss were asked to ride the Junior and Senior class Mardi Gras floats at the homecoming parade on Saturday.  Not sure how they will pick.  And then, I am chaperoning the Homecoming dance that night.  Not to mention parent-teacher conferences from 4-8 on Wed. and Thur.  This is sure to be a busy week!
Josslyn acting silly in her Breck bed.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

House Exterior

Per some of your request...
Here's the daytime view from the side deck.
This is the outside of the house.
From the bottom of the yard.
Tye-Tye with his newly shaved head.
Jake finishing lunch yesterday. (Sat.)
Josslyn finishing her lunch.

Haddad + Newpapers

Can you find Jake, Tye, Jossie and Mama Haddad in the picture? 
We had a blast at the Breck's Skate Contest and this little 5 year old boy tore it up!  Amazing!
Then, my 1st Key Club meeting (which drew over 50 high schoolers) was pictured in the newspaper as part of our school district's efforts to continue improving as to stay on top as one of CO's BEST. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Breckenridge Weekend

Most recent photo of this morning (Monday), getting ready for school. 
But...this is what we did over the weekend.
Friday, we drove up to Breck after school and daddy surprised us with a GREAT new hike!
With Mike and his dogs, we hiked about 3 miles!!! to the Country Boy Mine.
We leap frogged through large streams, climbed rocks and some of us (moi), sunk in some quick-sand!  Well, more like "quick-moss".  :)
And we all braved the giant, pitchblack chute slide that lead a big hike down the mountain.
Joss went with daddy after Mike and the boys lead the team down the initially scary then, totally safe slide.
You can see the route the slide takes down the chute of the photo pictured above.
The guys, doting over Joss.
And Saturday, we went to the park to skate.  Well, "they" skated, Joss played at the playground and I caught up on some phone calls and work emails.
The boys are so good at skating.  Jake can do a wheelie at least 3 feet and Tye can ride out 2 stairs!
Eating a doughnut...Jake's leftovers to be precise.  That's after she ate hers!  Oink.  :)
The boys set their boards aside only to climb a little. 
And Tye, to munch some more of his (yes, chocolate) doughnut.
Endless energy.
Off to try it again.
Joss loves the park.  Running is her deal these days.
The wheelie.

Skatin' stairs.
The day before, we went for a Gondola ride to see Breck at the very tippy-top at the end of summer.  Tye mentioned how different it looks without snow covering every inch.  We all agreed.  AMAZING!
Unfortunately, I forgot I had parked in short term parking and it had expired, so we had to leave as soon as we got to the top, so no pictures of the views.  Just a picture of these 3 cuties!!
And Saturday night, daddy gave his boys another skate lesson. On the bowl.
And when we returned home on Sunday, the boys brought wood up to help prepare for the fast-approaching winter.  They devised a system using teamwork to make it easier.
Whew.  What a weekend.