A Picture Heavy Post!
Friday was a snowday...here's how we enjoyed the long weekend!
Jake is writing like crazy now...even in the snow!
The kids made snowangels...I inadvertantly made one when I slipped on the ice a few minutes after taking this photo! Thankfully, there was plenty of powder to cushion my landing.
Jake, snowangeling with his precious snow writing utensil.
Tye is also learning to write. And looking mighty shnazzy in his shades, if I may so!
Joss is now finally LOVING the snow.
The boys spent hours hunting for snow treasures.
Inside the warm house, Joss looked the part playing house in her leotard and slippers...
...using the same baby carrier that her mommy used when she was a little girl...awww, the memories. (Plus, Joss's grammy made it!)
Hamming it up, as usual.
Jake got stellar grades on his report card once again, so we went bowling!
Now that's some bowling style!
The ongoing phrase of the day was,
"It's a lot easier on the Wii!!!!"
We each made up a "happy dance" for when we did well!
This is Jake's "mad dance".
And this is Jake standing with the bowling ball, smiling! LOL!
As you can see...it took MUCH more umph for Joss just to hold the ball!
Mom had to make sure the ball didn't land on any special little girl's toe!
Smile Joss!
If only you could have seen Josslyn's "happy dance"...this is a snap shot of part of it.
Mostly she just looked cute!
Tye had, by far, the fasted ball with the most power!
Anyone at all surprised by that?
AND...the RADDEST "happy dance" which happened often, much to our pleasure!!
It was a funfilled day...which ended with a trip to the library to pick out some new books for the Reader-man to bring to the camper with us.
Finally, today we went to Breckenridge. The boys rode with Daddy while Joss and Mommy had a "girl day".
Jake, as always, looked the part.
As did T-Bird who is coming along quite well on his board!
Joss and Mommy dropped them off, snapped a few pix...
and watched the 3 handsome guys walk away for some serious riding!
Well...not too serious, I hope!
I guess mommy's riding rules are likely out the door when she's not there!
Then, Joss and Mom headed off to walk Main St. in Breck, get some coffee + a smoothie, do a little Easter shopping, go sledding, etc.
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful life with these 3 happy, happy kids!
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