Each year, the elementary school hosts Halloween Hall and Haunted house. I got our high school Key Club (for which I am the advisor) involved and it was hug hit. They did a GREAT job of working with the PTO, decorating, and running the Haunted house. Looks like everyone had a blast.
Jake-Skull Ninja, Tye-GI Joe Snake Eyes, and Joss-Batgirl.
Entering the Haunted house.
Mr. Brave leads the way.
The Haunted house was INCREDIBLE...Kudos to my Key Clubbers!
Jake lead the way while Tye and Joss clung to my legs.
Halloween Hall starts the evening with safe trick-or-treating around the school.
The teachers decorate their rooms and the hallways and pass out candy for trick-or-treaters before they enter the Haunted house...if they dare!
One of the biggest hits was the pirate cove in the Haunted house. Good work girls (Nat and Sarah)!
Talk about scary! Zombies on the floor slithering around grabbing ankles and screaming! Joss had me pick her up the first time through!
Tye's beloved Kelsey came out to let him know its just her throwing out candy from behind the curtain.
One of my favorite costumes of my students, was Matt with his Mad-Hatter get-up. He was on the Haunted School Bus where my assistant also was...waiting to scare the crud out of me. Jake and Tye thought it was the funniest thing ever. :)
It was a great night and my Key Clubbers proved once again why they are the "cream-of-the-crop" Platte Canyon HS kids! In fact, I got an email from both the elementary principal and the Superintendant in regard to their leadership throughout the planning and execution of the special night. I'm so proud!
How fun!!!!! I love Halloween and your students did a great job!!!