Monday, February 21, 2011

Jake's Second Grade Program

In celebration of President's Day, the 2nd Grade had a patriotic themed music program.  Jake was admittedly, very nervious but he did a great job!

Jake had an extra special day recieving the Citizenship award on Friday, the day after his little brother received it for Kindergarten!!  Go Haddads!

I loved having a small second grader since that put him in the front and was perfect for picture taking, despite Jake's disappointment that he didn't even get to stand on the risers at all, let alone on the coveted top row! 

The show was actually very touching and super well orchestrated.  Will I ever make it through a program without tearing up?  Let's hope!!!!

"Old Abe Lincoln, he came...

out of the wilderness, out of the wilderness."

It was loads of fun.  What's more, Tye's show is in 2 weeks, on Josslyn's birthday.


  1. So cute. Love seeing pics of the kiddos!

  2. Do you think it ever stops to see your children succeed? i.e You. Never. I miss you all so much.
