Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An update!

Finally...I am back on the, I don't have any pictures with me since I am at school right now. It's parent/teacher conferences tonight (and last night) from 3-7:45pm! I am about to head down to the cafeteria for dinner...the great Booster Club at our school provides us dinner when we have to stay late. Anyway, lots is happening in the Haddad household and it's ALL good!!!!

Jake started 1st grade! He is an amazing student and has really started to read! He can sound out almost any word and is actually picking out books at the library and reading them to us. He got a 9/10 on his first ever spelling test and is more proud and confident than I have ever seen him. He LOVES his teacher, Ms.Impson and has made lots of new, great friends at his new school, Deer Creek Elementary.

Tye started Preschool. He is one of the oldest in the class and is clearly ahead with his academic skills. He has also become the "cool guy" of the preschool this year. He's growing by leaps and bounds with his social skills and will be clearly ready to start Kindergarten next year. He'd have been ready this year but missed the age cut-off by less than a month. We think it will be good for Tye to be the one of the older kids in his grade each year. He's getting very excited for snowboard season this year which starts on the 15th of October. He's become GREAT friends with his sister and is still the most helpful kid around!

Josslyn is growing, too. She's even in some 3yr clothes. She's talking like crazy and after a full summer with an imaginary teacher and serous excitement to start the teacher night proved to be too much forthe little doll. So, we've got preschool on hold for her for now. She's still the princess of the house demanding this and requiring that of her brothers. She's a pink loving, nail painted, foofoo outfit wearing, bug hating, tough girl. She's so girly in so many ways yet will get thrown to the ground before she lets go of a toy she stole from her brother. Gotta love a tough girly-girl! :)

And I am loving my new job. The school, the faculty, the district, the students, the parents...everything is great. My class sizes are tiny...9 in one class, and 14 now, in the other 2 classes. I have incredible freedom, very supportive administration and a budget all my own! And with a 90 minute prep hour, I have still never had to bring any work home with me. Its amazing. A dream really. And its so nice to know that the boys are in school and Joss is with daddy.

We had our first big snow of the new season. And I got my first opportunity to drive the Land Rover in it. It handled the snow like a champion and I am feeling much more confident and prepared for winter driving.

Nick turned 33 afew days ago! Wahoooo. We all had a nice day together in Breckenridge. And I can NOT say enough, what a wonderful job he is doing with our kids. He is a fantastic father. The kids are so lucky to have him and so am I!

Well, that's it for now. I promise next time, some pictures! The Aspen's are the most gorgeous shades of yellow, orange and red and with the light dust of's incredible.

Love to all,
Danielle and the gang